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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

North Country Trail Murals

This is one of the things I've been wanting to share. Since today was a quiet day of writing with no new pictures, it's a good day for them.

Lowell (Michigan) high school students recently painted a series of murals which have been mounted on the outside wall of the headquarters building. I like the story they tell.

North Country Trail mural

North Country Trail mural

North Country Trail mural

Back out on assignments tomorrow.

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Lin said...

I like the campfire one! Those are all great though---what a great representation of the trails.

Rick (Ratty) said...

Pretty good. I love stuff like this.

Duxbury Ramblers said...

I like all three, wouldn't mind similar ones on our local hut.

Secondary Roads said...

Those are good. They tell you what NCTA is about--at least enough to tweak one's interest and to remind another of good times on the trail.

Unknown said...

Those are really good murals, Joan. So clear. I like their story too.