This is NOT what I was going to share today. I had some plant pictures all ready. Then at dusk this evening hubby said I should take the camera out on the front porch because there was a big thundercloud with lots of lightning in it.
While I was standing on the porch there was a horrible screech of brakes and a really big crash followed by rolling clouds of dust. Let me explain that we live on a major highway, but our house is 400 feet back from the roadway on the top of a hill. Let me also explain that there are LOTS of crashes on this road, so I know what crashes sound like, and this was a CRASH.
I ran in the house, grabbed the phone, and called 911 as I made my way down to the road to try to get info about injuries. I'm not going to be able to tell you all of what happened, but I know the outcome is not going to be good for one of the people. Someone who had also stopped said it was a single car accident, but based on where and how the white car ended up, I can hardly believe that. I guess I'll have to wait for the news report tomorrow.

Anyway, the sheriff deputies arrived while I was still on the phone. They sure didn't need me so I went back to the house. Meanwhile the local fire department arrived and several more police cars.
40 minutes later I looked out again, and there were even more emergency lights! So I went down again, and took the camera. This time I talked with a lady who was waiting for her husband to come get her. Her truck had been rear-ended by someone else as the police were trying to direct traffic past.
The only thing I really know is that they took a girl from the white car out by AeroMed. So that can't be good.

We have seen an awful lot of accidents in front of our house over the years we have lived here. Most of them were smaller- thankfully. But I'm saying a prayer for this girl and her family. Please, folks, drive carefully. We are all one small mistake away from eternity.
Update: Friday evening. Well, it was a one-car accident. I was confused because a supposed witness had said it was traveling the opposite direction. The driver was a 22-year-old girl from Lansing. She was taken to a Grand Rapids hospital where the paper reports that she is in serious condition with non-life-threatening injuries. I hope that is good news, but I bet she will have a long road ahead. Since she is not local I may never hear more about how this goes.
What a horrible first hand info on this.
How dreadful for the driver, and for you to have witnessed this. I hope all is well for her and her family.
This is a sad thing. I've seen a lot of car accidents and they're obviously never good. Hopefully things go as well as they can for the girl.
Thanks, everyone, for the comments. I know this was not the kind of image I like to project for this site, but it was clearly the major event of the day. The other good news is that no one else was hurt... not the 4 people (2 kids) in the van that was just ahead of the white car, not in the truck that was rear-ended later, nor in the car that hit the truck.
Sorry to present such a distressing post.
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