One of the things I like a lot about spring (and even though it's June, it still seems like late spring here in terms of leafing out of the trees), is the great variety in tones of green and textures. This picture is taken from my yard, looking toward the pines on the west.
In the foreground are two autumn olive bushes. Truth be told, these are serious invasive trees that are almost impossible to get rid of. In this picture they are in full bloom. The scent is heavy, sweet and cloying. It's almost oppressive. Behind that is another male mulberry tree, still without full leaves. In the background are the dark white pines, with one bright green boxelder in their midst.
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wow, i love your backyard. love the way how the trees are arranged there. the olive bushes and the mulberry tree provided nice contrast to the shades of green in the background.
I love when seasons change :-)
I've been watching the different shades of green too. I'm glad I'm not the only one to really see this. Somehow I knew you would pay attention to this too.
I've been watching as some trees and bushes began to turn green very early, and others are only just beginning. There is one big tree in particular that I was beginning to think was dead, until it just exploded with green leaves not long ago.
Hi betchai- I have the "use" of a really big backyard. I like to pretend it's my kingdom. I can make it look really, really big by looking at all the different angles. If I fool all of you, then maybe I will fool me too. See, I'd really like about 1000 acres.
Agnes- Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Ratty- By heading north for our hike I got to watch the colors of spring appear several times! It's been a good year for it.
I love the view from your back yard. Your blog really cheered me up. I found you on trafficnowfire. I hope to visit again.
Hi yanjiaren- Wow... nice to see that someone who came through trafficnowfire actually stopped long enough to look around. But I think you've had good luck with them. I'm still trying it out.
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