Here's my little gray mystery. This cocoon has been hanging on the end of my kitchen steps' handrail all winter. It appears similar to a bagworm (no, I'm not making that up), but they usually look "twiggier" and are a bit fatter. I spent a couple of hours last night hunting on line, but couldn't match it. It's soft, and the only attachment is at the tip, so it sways in the breeze. It's only about 1.25 inches long.
Cocoons and chrysalises can be really challenging. If I happen to see when the moth appears, I'll be sure to let you know. If any of you have any further insight, please let me know!

Isn't that a piece of rag caught on a nail, hee hee
Sorry, I'm clueless as usual. I'll just wait for your update on this.
you know I watched Holmes Inspection the other night and they had cocoons that were actually from termites. have you checked that site out to see if it matches?
Hope we get to see what emerges.
That's an interesting cocoon! I would have clear it off :-(
This looks just like one I found when I was blogging for only a few months. I never did find the identity.
I wouldn't have a clue here. Hope you get to see the moth though, it would be interesting to find out.
There are many of them in my garden, I think they are the same.
Are they related to moth?
It is interesting to know from you.
I'm guessing it is a moth and not a butterfly. I'm not sure I want to see what comes out of it! EEEK!
Ivy- and all- There isn't going to be much of an update unless A: I see the moth emerge or B: someone on bugguide.net knows what it is.
blueeyes- I don't think the location works for termites, but it's worth checking.
Carol- me too, but I'm not sure if it's even alive.
Icy- well, I don't know if it's a good "bug" or bad "bug!"
Ratty- did you post that one? Give me the link if you did.
Ann- I'm really curious now, because it's getting no ID on bugguide
rainfield- yes, I'm sure it's some kind of moth, but it seems unlikely we'd have the same ones as you
Lin- it will probably be some drab little thing... the question is "nasty or beneficial?
Of course, I don't know what it is and I probably would have swept it away! I'm such a novice when it comes to things like that!
Carmen- well I'm only one step ahead... I know it's a moth cocoon... then my knowledge is done.
Did you ever find out what this was? I have them all over my home...as do my neighbors and I even walked around one night and saw them a few blocks away. I live in the south and we do have termite problems....but i never see anything come out of them
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