Thanks to everyone who took the time to comment in February! There were 43 different people who left messages, and a total of 206 separate comments (not counting my own responses to them).
Since there was no contest winner for the month, and a 3-way tie for 10th place, I'll feature 12 top commenters.
The top 12 for this past month are:
Ann's Snap & Edit (Ann- 28 comments)- Ann keeps me company, no matter what.
The Best Parts (Ferd- 20 comments)- a new commenter- and eclectic blogger too
My Journey (rainfield61- 18 comments)- rainfield's bugs are looking for their spots this week
Carmen's Chronicles (Carmen- 10 comments)- a jazz fan, tied with
Duck and Wheel with String (Lin- 10 comments)- owner of the beloved Hobbes, tied with
Duxbury Ramblers (Carol- 10 comments)- it's spring in the UK already!, tied with
Secondary Roads (Chuck- 10 comments)- another Michigan buddy, tied with
Be a Lifesaver of Goodness (Borris aka Sir Rob- 10 comments) ask him about life with a new baby
Wiseacre Gardens (John- 5 comments)- Whatever's cool in the northwoods of NY, tied with
Together with Dogs (Stew and Martine - 5 comments)- life with two energetic boxers, tied with
String Too Short to Tie (David (vanilla)- 5 comments)- Life in Indiana and Florida- always something good, tied with
The Everyday Adventurer (Ratty- 5 comments)- finding outdoor adventures everywhere.
Thanks to all of you for your friendship as expressed in your comments! And you get a small banner in the sidebar for the next month.

Those images from Where are We Today, are just a plain old snowbank! Beauty in the most common.

I just watched The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
so please excuse me when I use the popular misquote in fun:
I don't need no stinking banner :)
Thanks for the acknowledgment and the link.
I enjoy visiting and it's the only kind I do anymore. I had to give up visiting people in real life because they kept yawning and when I didn't leave they would start shutting off
I must have missed an awful lot of can that be because I so enjoy your blog! Too preoccupied with packing and moving, I guess.
Yaiks... I earned some accolade again. Thanks for the banner. But I must admit, it is fun coming here from time to time and I think I have earned some traffic coming from your ad here.
Dang! I'm in good company here! :) (Did I really comment that much??) Isn't it funny how many you really do and don't realize?
Always a pleasure, Sharky. :)
Thank you very much for the link love, Joan!
Wiseacre- OK... so you don't need it, but you get it anyway.
Chuck- you are more than welcome! Thanks for your support.
Ann- I don't believe it. You are anything but boring.
Carmen- moving can be an all-consuming task. Hope you made out well.
sir rob- Glad to hear it. You have become a friend
Lin- I love it when you comment, so thanks again.
Ferd- You are most welcome- people who make the effort to actually comment should be rewarded.
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