Sorry to do this to you. However, it's really defining our lives this week. Winter just had to have one last laugh. I had to run the snowblower yesterday, I skied today. But Ellen and I are going for an urban hike tomorrow. Hopefully the existing snow won't affect that.
Anyway... the shadows ARE pretty. I think this has to become a part of my "Moods of my Backyard" series.
Actually, that leads me to a blog housekeeping topic- organization. I have figured out a way to better organize past posts so that you, and I, can find things you might recall and want to see again. I've got a lot of projects going on, but I hope to start working on it soon. The tag cloud will go away and hopefully the alternative will be more useful.
Meanwhile, I'm going to bring the first "mood" photo over to this blog. At least it wasn't on a snowy day, so that should cheer us all a bit. This one was taken August 5, 2008.

If you want to see all the "Moods of My Backyard" posts, here's the link: Moods of My Backyard

The snow looks so nice, says somebody who's dripping sweat in the beginnings of a Philippine summer :)
That mood picture was taken in summer? Are Michigan summers always misty? Anyway, I like looking at it. It's sooo hot here, lol
Yes! The shadows, the white, white snow, the blue of the sky. It looks like a glorious winter day!
And I like the misty one, too. What a good idea to have a "moods" category. The weather certainly affects our feelings.
I thought I was done with the white stuff, although I haven't put the shovels away. I woke to snowflakes shattering on my windows.
Winter always gives one last gasp before going down. We didn't quite get that here, but we do have a bit of colder weather again.
We can only hope that it is a last hurrah. Winter has a way of getting in that final jab. We may not yet have seen that. But we can still hope. And I do!
It's getting hot in our area too though at night it's still a bit cold but mid afternoon is already hot.
I hope we have done with the snow for the time being, although we are still getting cold nights. Brr! you photos made me feel cold.
When will we ever be done with the white stuff? I saw a few snow flakes flying around here earlier. Hopefully it doesn't plan on amounting to anything
It IS pretty. I still like snow, but not right now. I need some green after a long snowy winter.
Ivy- Well, I certainly don't mind not being hot. Sounds awful to be hot and pregnant. We often have foggy mornings, but that was kind of a special picture with the fog lying in layers.
Ferd- Most days, the view out the back windows is somewhat ordinary, but other days it's quite magic.
Prairie- thanks for stopping by! Yes, hubby had just taken off the snow tires.
Ratty- this was such an odd little band of snow across the middle- even Petoskey didn't get it.
Chuck- This was a fairly serious final jab.... but no, it might not be the last
sir rob- I don't like hot... I would have a very hard time with your climate.
Carol- your flowers are so far along it would be a real problem. We are getting very cold nighttime temps too
Ann- well I remember some big snows in April from a couple of years
Lin- well- at least there was enough to ski on. I'm not a fan of mud
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