The theme of this year's Philadelphia Flower Show was Springtime in Paris, supposedly centered on the turn of the 20th Century. I'm too tired tonight to do more than give you just a glimpse. There will be much more in days to come. Of course, the entrance brought us directly under the Eiffel Tower.

What is Paris without fine dining?

And the can-can is a required element! Sorry, I'm too tired to sort pictures and show you more tonight. Coming events for sure. Tomorrow, I have to drive home. What a whirlwind!

It definitely is a whirlwind if you drove all the way to Paris!!! Brings back memories of my last visit to the Moulin Rouge, with two nursing friends of mine from Texas. We had dinner there and our seats for the show were superb. I think half the men in attendance were really envious!
Drive safely, Joan.
i am sure the place is very awesome .
A good peek at the flower show. I'm already thinking that it must have been spectacular.
Have a nice visit.
What a fun, great little trip!
Thans for sharing these past few days!
Carmen- I've sure never been to the real one- I would LOVE to see it.
Life Moto- There is no way way one can even see all of it in one day. Each year I choose the areas I'm going to focus on.
Ann- Sorry I'm so late to respond to comments. By now, you've had a few glimpses, at least.
rainfield- I sure did!
Ferd- lots more to come!
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