The landscape outside has turned white again for one (?) last laugh. Thanks to many blogging friends, chief among them Carol of Duxbury Ramblers, I'm green with envy for green. Rather than fly into a green rage, I'll just overload you with green from the Philadelphia Flower Show. Enjoy the variations in shade and texture!

Foxtail Asparagus Fern

Croton (some variety)

Euphorbia x martinii 'Tiny Tim' spurge

Asplenium antiquum 'Victoria' - curly bird's nest fern

Bowiea volubilis
Perhaps, tomorrow, I'll be able to think of another color.

There is some green out there, Sharky--we just have to really look for it. I know how you feel--we are supposed to get snow tonight...on top of my snowdrops and crocus. :(
Some lovely plants especially the spurge, I love it!
I'm suffering from a green deficiency myself. I woke up to a coating of wet heavy white. Most of it is gone now since it's been raining all day but I think we're supposed to get more.
I'm sure you'll find some green out there. It will be just under the snow. And oh yeah, about a month from now! ;-)
Hi everyone- I didn't get to answer your comments because we were having thundersnow! Had to unplug.
Lin- we have about 10 inches- how about you?
Carol- that spurge is really interesting. The centers look sparkly. I've never seen anything like it.
Ann- ours is going to stay around for several days. It wouldn't be so bad, but there is a lot of ice with it too.
Ferd- I know! I'm ready. Although we got enough snow that I should be able to ski a bit yet.
I like all of your photos!
Hi Book- thanks for stopping by. I try to provide fun pictures every day.
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