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Sunday, May 24, 2015

My Favorite Sandwiches

So, I had to go to work before I got these posted on Friday, and that is about two lifetimes ago now. We are in Ohio, getting ready to hike tomorrow. We are really roughing it tonight though. Haha

Days Inn

Back to Friday. It was a gorgeous day and I got to enjoy some of my favorite sandwiches. Like green trees sandwiched between blue...

Ford Lake

Like brown road between green trees...

6 Mile Road

Like brown river between green trees...

Pine River

And blue lake between green trees...

Howe Lake

Not sure how much I'll get to blog in the next two weeks. I can't make my phone hot spot work, and I may not have spaces where I can try to figure it out.

Hopefully I'll "see you" before the hike is over.

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Ann said...

I was going to ask where's the beef but these are way healthier sandwiches.
Have a good time

Secondary Roads said...

Wholesome and healthy are your sandwiches.

Lin said...

Those are the best kind of sammiches....AND they are calorie-free!

Go enjoy your hike--no need to post or check in. We will all be waiting for when you get back.

Happy and safe travels, my friend.

RNSANE said...

Beautiful pictures...and I wish I were looking at them, munching on a favorite sandwich, or curry or anything. I'm hungry. Happy hiking. Finally settled, online, hot as the dickens...but I'm in India.

rainfield61 said...

See you.