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Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Auditon

Tonight I went to a one-act play put on by one of the local high schools. The title is The Audition, and it gives an insightful look behind the scenes as various students try out for parts in A Chorus Line.

The scenes I am sharing have more to do with which of my pictures turned out, rather than any particular attempt to cover the story.

First, all the interested students show up for the audition, with an odd assortment of ideas about what it is they are actually doing there.

The Audition

Yuma is the crazy, athletic, extroverted student who wants to dance everything out.

The Audition

Carrie wants to be cast in a love scene with Tommy, who is shy. She tricks him into reading a romantic part with her.

The Audition

Soliel is the girl that doesn't fit in anywhere. She's different. The dim figures behind her are the other kids who are always telling her she's no good, that she doesn't belong, but she's determined to be OK, in spite of them.

The Audition

I didn't get a good picture of these scenes, but two cast members are at odds with parents. The mother of one wants her to be in everything and be perfect, so she can get into Yale. Another girl is very good at dramatics, but her mother doesn't care at all. When the girl is cast in the lead role, her mother makes her quit so she can get a job.

Through the use of heavy stereotypes (the ones I mentioned and others, too) we can all find ourselves when we were younger. There were as many motives for trying out as there were auditioners. I'm sure this play resonates strongly with high schoolers.

But, of course, in the end, the show must go on.

The Audition

I got extra work hours in the morning, so it's off to bed with me!

See Theater
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Ann said...

sounds like a fun play

vanilla said...

You are a true devotee of the Thespian art.