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Thursday, August 31, 2017

More from Yesterday's Ride

I have some more interesting pictures from yesterday, and since today was mostly a long day at work and a car repair, I choose fun pictures instead!

Sophie is always a riot on our outings. She's a dog with a ton of personality. And Sue says she particularly likes me, which tickles me pink. One really funny story from yesterday is what happened when Sue and I got to her house. I met her at work and we went there together. When she opened the door, Sophie saw Sue and started dancing around the way you'd expect any happy dog would greet her human. Then she saw me and it was the funniest thing! She pulled back her lips to show her teeth- not far enough for a snarl or growl, but just so part of her teeth showed. It looked for all the world like an extra-joyous smile. She did it over and over until all the initial greetings were made.

And as soon as her outside duties were done, she spent the rest of the time that we weren't biking parked in my lap!


Just to orient you again, we rode our bikes on the Pere Marquette Rail Trail which is the continuation of the live tracks in back of my house. They are only live as far as Baldwin, where they turn south to Grand Rapids. But the old mile markers along what's now trail show the distance to Saginaw, just like out back here.

Pere Marquette Rail mile marker

You know I like to find beauty in the ordinary things. Here's a Queen Anne's Lace going to seed.

Queen Anne's Lace

Sue made a really neat find, this bottle gentian. Probably the most common gentian, but not seen all that often.

bottle gentian

I liked this old piling in the Baldwin River. It's busy turning itself into a small terrarium.

piling with plants growing

Sure we were there for the exercise, but the experience is always more than just riding the bike.

riding a bike

Not enough hours in the day. I'm sure you know that!

See Marquette Rail for a mile marker in back of my house
See Cycling with Sue and Sophie for the rest of yesterday's adventure
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Secondary Roads said...

Love those plant pics--especially the Queen Ann's Lace.

Sharkbytes said...

Hi Chuck- that plant has so many different looks, one could do an entire photo book just with interesting pictures of it.

Ann said...

A dogs know a good person when they see one. Sophie's too cute. I can't imagine riding a bike with Gibbs like that. I'm pretty sure if I tried to ride a bike with him running next to me either he would get run over or I would crash