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Monday, July 17, 2023

Best Pictures of February 2022

I went through the pictures I took from February 2022. I'm beginning to percolate ideas for the new program I need to put together. I also checked on getting permission to use a song I would like. Not happening. The cheapest plan is $1000. There are other options, but I thought I might as well check.

From Febraury 2022, I've chosen what I think are the 10 best pictures to share. I am calling them "best," not because they necessarily tell the story best, but because I think they are simply the best actual photographs. I've left them full size, so you can click on them and see them larger. That always makes photos look better.

They are chronological, so don't try to develop any meaning to the order! The are all Ohio. You may remember that Ohio was l-o-n-g.

This one is the farm of one of our favorite host families, Jeff and Kathy Crisler.
farm in winter

Denali hiking through the winter landscape.
hiker in winter

And some winter landscape. There was a lot of it!
winter landscape

The focus isn't perfect on this, but I'm still pretty happy with it. I'm amazed that I caught the moment and that it's fairly good. A red-shouldered hawk.
red shouldered hawk

This was the morning of stunning ice and blue sky. OK, you can see that for yourself. But it was hard for the camera to see the sparkles.
icy trees against a blue sky

This one is more subtle, but I like the colors and textures, and the shaded halves of the tree trunks. Shawnee State Forest, I think. Near it, anyway.
winter landscape with shruby woods

Honeycombed rock is everywhere in Ohio. It needs the contrast with some sharp angles to make it stand out.
honeycombed rock

Next, we have water in the mill race at Stockport.
Mill race Stockport Ohio

This is the back of a drying mushroom. No clue what one.
mushroom gills

This is the Devil's Bathtub at Hocking Hills. Notice the waterfall, bottom left.
Devil's bathtub Hocking Hills

I did shopping and a bunch of errands in the morning, then my energy sort of ran out. I still did stuff in the afternoon, but nothing too physical.

See Best Pictues of January 2022


Ann said...

All good photos. Hard to pick a favorite.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Hmm, for a devil's bathtub, that pool seems rather serene ..."
Charlee: "I would not want to have that view of an incoming hawk!!!"

The Furry Gnome said...

I keep seeing articles about you, the amazing woman who hiked the NCT TWICE!

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- yeah... I never try to pick ONE favorite anything

Lulu, well the waterfall might be scary from a different angle.

Charlie- not that close, anyway!

Stew- Ha! It's really making the rounds.