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I've been writing most of my life, but am currently attempting to re-define myself as a writer, and to support myself by that means. If you want to help with that project, check out Books Leaving Footprints

My writing progress blog is located at Shark Bytes and Tails

Products currently available:

North Country Cache

Puzzles for Outdoor Lovers- Medium to Hard

Puzzles for Outdoor Lovers- Easy to Medium

Devotions for Hikers
eBook $1.89

Would You Dare?

Get Off the Couch
with Joan
eBook $2.99
Coming Soon by Joan H. Young, published by Twin Trinity Media
a short story on the theme of First Love- will be in the Anthology Elements of Love
The Case of the Cautious Couple
a short story on the theme of Engagement- will be in the Anthology Elements of Love
On Time for the Wedding
a short story on the theme of Weddings- will be offered as a digital download
Toby and Harry
a short story on the theme of Anger- will be offered as a digital download
Digital Lament
a poem on the theme of Anger- will be in the anthology Expressions of Pain
a short story on the theme of Sorrow- will be in the anthology Expressions of Pain
The Third Person
a short story on the theme of Vengeance- will be in the anthology Expressions of Passion
Thank You
a short story on the theme of Thanks- will be in the anthology Expressions of Grace
a short story on the theme of Faith- will be offered as a digital download