This contest has a total of 10 possible points. The highest scoring entry (in the comment field) before 9 pm (EST) Monday, May 4, will win a free 125x125 ad for a month.
One of the few things I will regret about being gone for most of May this year is that I will miss many of the flowers that I thought I would share here. And
WiseAcre has beaten me to the punch with most of the spring wildflowers, but I suppose I can't blame him just because northern New York decided to have spring before lower Michigan this year, although that seems pretty weird to me. His pictures are quite fantastic!
But I will test what you learned from him! That will cheer me up. So everyone should get the first 3 points.
1 - identify this flower - 1 pt (common name ok)
2 - identify this flower - 1 pt (common name ok)
3 - identify the flower that these leaves go with - 1 pt (common name ok)
4 - 3 possible points - This question is harder... it might determine the winner! These two leaf pictures are different species of the same genus of spring wildflower, but they will bloom in May after I leave. The flowers will be almost identical, but as you can see the leaves are quite different. One point for the common name of the genus. The plant on the left is the common ____________. But there is another point for the descriptive name of the one on the right. The third point can be earned for the Latin name of the genus which can help you remember the common name of the genus, or vice-versa.

The next four questions are the new words I encountered this week
5 - choose the correct use of the word - 1 pt
The first word is one that I've often heard, as in cornpone, but I discovered that I needed to refine my understanding of it.
a. Cornpone is a gruel eaten with a spoon
b. The cook baked the corn in a cast iron pone.
c. Pone bread has no egg or milk and was traditionally baked in the ashes of a fire
d. A pone of corn is one pint.
6 - choose the correct use of the word - 1 pt
QUIPA or QUIPO (KEY-puh or KEY-poo)
a. The jockey urged his horse on with a quipo made of braided thongs.
b. The Quipo Indians originally lived in Ohio and southern Michigan before migrating to Texas.
c. She was a master at puns, repartee, and quipas.
d. The Inca quipo of knotted cords was used for counting.
7 - choose the correct use of the phrase - 1 pt
a. Socks and buskiners refers to the two types of vaudeville- comedians wore socks and tragedians wore buskins, a type of gaiter.
b. Puritan disciple was administered by the socks and buskiners
c. Socks and buskiners are two color patterns on the legs of horses.
d. Before electronic instruments, wind speed at small airports was measured by socks and buskiners.
8 - choose the correct use of the word - 1 pt
CATAMITE (CAT-uh-mite)
a. Catamite is a genus of the mustard family.
b. The Emperor kept the boy as his catamite.
c. The Finnish bread was seasoned with catamite.
d. Catamite is the common name of a member of the mint family.
Words of the Week