I decided (a little too late- but I got them all done) to go out and do work assignments this afternoon. Since we had a really heavy rainstorm this morning, my plans needed to change. So I headed out to chase down some more houses. I'm good with finding interesting plants too.
First up is an old-fashioned garden favorite called mock orange. I love the slightly creamy white blossoms, and they smell wonderful. I would love to have one of these bushes in my yard.

At another place, I had to walk down 153 steps to the beach to see if they had a dock. There I was rewarded with the hairy puccoon, a rare native wildflower of sandy beaches. This one had some insect damage, but I always think the color is astonishing.

I really enjoy seeing all the lovely vacation homes. I get to drive through gates that say "Private Drive," to reach lakeside homes that cost a lot more than I've earned in a lifetime. I'm sure I can't share these pictures with you, but I don't think anyone will complain about sharing flowers.
Actually, this is a small tree, and I'm sure it's not new to many of you. This is the kousa dogwood, a recently popular ornamental, but I hadn't seen one yet. It's really showy. It comes from Asia.

I'm tired tonight... headed for bed. This is shaping up to be another busy week. All good.
would much rather see the flowers than the amazing homes that I can only dream about :)
Love that kousa dogwood.
The dogwood is lovely .... so unusual to see a four petal flower - just one little curiosity, does it have any perfume - does it smell sweet?
Flowers are always fun to see, and the kousa dogwood looks amazing.
Always wonderful to see flowers, live or in pictures!
Ann- after a while the homes all begin to look somewhat alike anyway. I never feel that way about the plants, although I'm sure some people would.
Polly- what a goose I am! I didn't check.
Ratty- glad you are getting interested in flowers too.
Ferd- glad you agree. Sometimes there are so many it's like overload and I hardly know what to share.
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