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Tuesday, November 12, 2024

The Color is Yellow

 Most of the leaves are down, but there is still some color to be found.

This planter of chrysanthemums is bright yellow.
yellow chrysanthemums

Norway maples are an alien species, but they are the most common maples used for street planting. This one is holding on to a lot of its leaves.
yellow norway maple

The leaves that have come down are still pretty.
yellow norway maple leaves

It was a hugely people-y day. Meeting with someone in the morning. Meeting with someone in the afternoon. Bell choir practice, followed by my return (since pre-Covid) to Ludington Writer's Group.

And I walked to do errands, edited, and wrote Chapter 35 in Vacation from Dead Mule Swamp, 809 words. I'm ready to call it a day.

And these gals were waiting outside the church after bell choir. There is a much-too-large urban deer population in Ludington. You can see how concerned they were about being "shined" in the headlights. Not.
deer in dark

Miles walked in 2024: 527.

See Orange We Glad?


The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, that sounds like a little bit too much people-ing for me! I bet Lulu would have enjoyed it, though ..."

Sharkbytes said...

bean- you and me, buddy