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Friday, February 28, 2025

Philadelphia Riverwalk Again

 This morning, Marie, Pam, Larry and I hiked down to the Schuylkill River and did part of the Riverwalk. It was in the 50s, but there with a brisk little breeze. There were a lot of people walking and jogging despite the fact that it's a workday. (Marie and I hiked a good piece of it in 2020)
urban hikers

This is where the sidewalk climbs up to cross multiple railroad tracks before you descend to the river edge. I like that it's like a plaza with seating places as well as the walkway. You can climb the stairs on the left, or the accessible ramp switchbacks its way back and forth across it.
south street bridge plaza

Once you get across the tracks, there is a more ordinary stair/ramp going down to the river. This view lets you see how the Riverwalk is right beside the water.
Philadelphia riverwalk

We did not go the direction this is facing, but turned right and headed basically north along the river.
schuylkill river

There is art along the way. This sculpture is called "Air" by Walter Hancock. It makes me wonder if there are Fire, Earth, and Water somewhere else.
Air sculpture

This mural is called "Convergence" by Rebecca Rutstein. It is supposed to be a meditation on the river.
mural convergence

We did not walk quite as far as Marie and I did in 2020 (link below), but we did a total of 3.5 miles, my longest hike since being sick. Also, Marie and I walked a few blocks to get bagels earlier in the morning.

Other than that, we fixed food and played games. There was also a nap.

Miles hiked in 2025: 22.3

See Philadelphia Riverwalk

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