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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dry and Scenic- June 7

great blue heron

I think we were dry all day on the 7th! We walked between the Rivermouth and Lower Falls Campgrounds at Tahquamenon. This was our longest day. Their sign says 11.7 miles, but the maps really indicate that it's more like 14 miles. We were "serenaded" (more like kept awake) by sandhill cranes at night. I thought I was getting a picture of one in the morning, but by then the cranes had left, and what I got a picture of is a great blue heron. Still, very nice.

Tahquamenon River

The day began by crossing the mouth of the Tahquamenon River on the road bridge. One lovely morning! Then we followed a dirt road for a while before popping back into the woods. The roads were often lined with patched of Canada anemone.

Canada anemone

The rest of the day was over small hills and through woods. There were several small lakes that were beautiful to view, although pictures aren't too scenic, as the woods prevented open views of the water. It's always curious how wonderful and restful a view can be in person but a picture is just a slash of blue in dappled shade through a bunch of trees.

Tahquamenon woods

Here I am, standing in a typical patch of woods for the day.

Tahquamenon River

By late afternoon we reached the Riverbend Campground of the state park, another beautiful location.

camp dinner

With a picnic table again, we sat down to a "fancy" dinner. Hey... a table and bench can be a really nice perk! This is beef-barley stew with dumplings.


RNSANE said...

Very beautiful journey, Shark, and I guess it must be a plus to be dry throughout. The blue heron ws beautiful! I'm loving all your photos.

tmarsik said...

Frank and I camped at the river mouth campground about 9 or 10 years ago, and were also awoken by Sand Hill Cranes. Glad to know that some things don't change. ;)

Duxbury Ramblers said...

now we are talking real food, stew and dumplings, bet you were ready for it after all those miles.

Ann said...

Now that looks like the perfect day although 14 miles is quite a long hike especially if you're like me and not used to something like that. Gorgeous picture of the heron love the reflection in the water.

Nishant said...

you were ready for it after all those miles.
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