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Thursday, October 31, 2013

If You Have to Fuss...

Just thought you'd like to know. We have a warning at my workplace. If you are going to pull a fuss, it had better not have any power behind it. Just sayin'...

no power fusses

This message brought to you by the language police.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Have a Holly Jolly Halloween

I don't like Halloween much, so this pretty holly bush will allow me to shift the holiday a bit.

holly berries

I'd rather celebrate All Saints Day on Nov 1.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ray, Jr. Here Again

Sorry, you just have to hear a little more about how Dad was involved in the roofing project.

Om reminded me this morning that once, long ago, I yelled at him for throwing away a jar of bent nails. Well, of course. One only used new nails for something that was really, really special. The first carpentry skill I was ever taught was how to straighten a nail so it could be reused.

This brings us back to the roofing project. I only had to buy a very few new nails for that whole thing, because, you guessed it, I saved almost every nail from taking off the old shingles.

roofing nails

And what about the disposal cost for all of the old broken shingles? Nada. I used them to fill holes in the driveway. Carefully checked to be sure every nail was out, they are working great.

old shingles

Recycling used to just be the norm. People made do, and some of them beat it into their kids. Especially those who lived through the Great Depression.

Ray, Jr., signing off.

See Looky, Looky, I Played Hookey
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Monday, October 28, 2013

Project Progress

I've recently given you a couple of teasers about projects I have started. I'll be nice and let you know how they are going (and pat myself on the back for not ignoring them).

But first, can you believe this for a project? I am two days past a blogoversary. I forgot to check the date until too late, but this is post 1823, 5 years and two days after beginning My Quality Day. Thanks to so many of you who have been traipsing along with me on my life's journeys.

Just a couple of days ago, I teased you with some pictures of colored shapes. Here's how that is going. I'm covering the icky, dirty paint behind the kitchen counters. Here are some of the squares just taped in place (and not trimmed to fit) to see how it looks. I'll tell more about how I'm doing it as it gets closer to completion. I did glue some of it in place tonight, and I'm pleased with the result.


And that knitting project I started in Alabama? It's a sweater for Loretta. I've made good progress, but the weather is cooling. I'd better get cracking on that one, because I bet she will want it soon. She's hired for substitute teaching, and needs some things that look better than jeans and sweatshirts.

knitting a sweater

See Now What?
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Sunday, October 27, 2013

If the Path Is Straight

If the path is straight, you can be sure it is artificial.

rail bed now trail

And here's my philosophical rant for the day. I made time to go for a hike this afternoon. The trail follows a piece of old logging rail bed for a short distance. You can tell in an instant that this was arranged by humans.

This section of pathway looks much more natural, curving around between the trees.


I got to thinking about straight and meandering trails. We'd like our life's pathways to be straight and level. No bumps, no unseen dangers around the next bend, certainly no mountains to climb. But if we are out hiking, we'd quickly consider that boring, even poor trail design.

Yet, we ask God all the time to make our lives straight and level. But God says... that's only the way humans design paths. I don't promise easy trails. I do promise to be there with you on the journey and to provide a worthy destination.

I concluded my time in the woods by spontaneously singing "I know where I'm going, and I know who's going with me."

Enjoy some other images from the hike.

shelf fungus

red pines

knothole pond

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Now What?



"What the heck is she doing now?" you ask.


Just a little fun thing. Stay tuned.

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Friday, October 25, 2013

White and Cold

I bet you thought I was going to talk about snow. Well, we have had a little of that. Not enough to even make the ground white at my house, although others nearby have had that much.

No, this is another tree picture. White aspen in the sun and cold wind. The sun makes the trunks look really white, and the wind reveals the undersides of the leaves. Final effect: chilly.

white aspen

I particularly like this picture. It seems to look like trees made of ice crystals. And the way the sun was flashing off the white leaves made it really seem that way.

white aspen

I go to work in a couple of hours. Not feeling 100%, but hopefully I'll be OK.

See White Trees- Part I
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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fall Colors- Briefly Stunning

Not every year can be a spectacular color year. We've had a couple in a row. Last year just kept taking my breath away with the ubiquitous beauty. This year, there are still some nice spots, but you have to catch them at a good moment, or be sure to stop for pictures when the light is right, because there aren't ten more gorgeous spots around the next bend.

After work today, I drove over to Timber Creek to retrieve the empty cache bag from the trail magic for Al. (By the way, I heard he really enjoyed the treats, and he took the note I left for him. Somehow, that just tickles me- the note was nothing special, but it makes me feel that he really appreciated it.)

It was just before sunset, and that low light is wonderful for highlighting the colors of the trees. I had taken a few pictures of individual leaves in the woods, but just a couple of miles from home, well... see for yourself. I HAD to stop. None of these pictures is adjusted- these are how it looked.

fall colors

fall colors

fall colors

I have to say I don't understand those who like perpetual summer. The beauty of each season is amazing!

And, even though it is chilly out, doesn't this final one just make you want to have a picnic? How about potatoes baked in the coals, with some roasted squash and s'mores or banana boats. A cup of coffee and a tent would just complete the perfect evening. OK, ok, a warm sleeping bag to go with that tent!

picnic area in fall
Sorry for no post yesterday. I was feeling a little under the weather, and just forgot. Slept well, and seem to be fine today.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Smoke Gets in Your Image

Someone was burning the stumps from an orchard that had been pulled out in preparation for planting new trees. The smoke was blowing across the road and making the far fenceline hazy for almost a half mile. I just liked the way it looked. Nothing earth-shattering today.

autumn trees in haze

autumn trees in haze

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Monday, October 21, 2013

What is Trail Magic?

Trail Magic is something you want to experience if you are out there hiking. It's the collective care provided to you by other people who support your effort. It can come in many forms. Sometimes people will transport your heavy pack for a day, so you can "slack pack," and give your body a break from the weight. Sometimes it is a shower and a bed to sleep in, with rides from and back to the trail. Sometimes it is a treat delivered to a waypoint.

I've been the recipient of a lot of trail magic. Today I got to provide some on behalf of our chapter.

This year, there have been two people out doing thru-hikes of the North Country National Scenic Trail. One, Luke Jordan, "Strider," just finished this past week!

The other is a man doing a "flip-flop." He started in Ohio and hiked to New York, then went to North Dakota and is hiking back to his starting point in Ohio. He's more my generation. Either the young or the young-at-heart seem to have the time to take on this trail. His name is Al Learned, and he's been keeping a lower profile than Strider, but he's supposedly been seen entering our chapter's area.

So today, on behalf of Spirit of the Woods, I got to take a stash of treats out to a trail crossing to leave for him. How does that work?

Can you see it?

trail magic

Let me help. This is closer.

trail magic

The first view was taken while standing on the trail. How will Al find it? Here's what he should see when he's coming down the trail.

trail magic

Hopefully, he won't miss this! Inside is a note telling him where to look to see the cache, and being sure he knows the water is for him if he needs it.

trail magic

It's fun to be able to do this for someone else!

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Looky, Looky, I Played Hookey

According to SIL Loretta I did the hookey hokey pokey on the roof. She's right. The morning was blue sky and sun, and I skipped church to work on the roof. We checked the weather and it was supposed to have increasing chances of rain beginning at 2 pm. If I didn't start until one or later, I wouldn't have a chance of finishing.

But look!

new roof

Yes, that face is DONE. Almost everything is put away and cleaned up. (One more blog post coming about some of that.)

Here's what the gutter looked like a week ago.

full gutter

And this was my final piece of the job.

clean gutter

Of course, I have 2.5 faces of the roof to go, but not this year. I celebrated with an extra peanut butter sandwich! And it was cooling and the breeze picking up when I finished. They are saying possible snow showers on Tuesday. Wow. Just in time. And I'm feeling blessed that there were no leaks from all that time with sections of nothing but tarpaper, and that I had the resources to get this done!

Now it's back to the project I began on A Totally Fun Day.

If you missed the beginning of this saga, it starts at Just Call Me Ray, Jr.

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