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Thursday, March 21, 2024

Not a Team Player

 So, I'm getting important things done, but that doesn't lead to many interesting pictures to share.

I may have to scrounge around and scan some pictures from some old event. There is one picture I want to use for the Facebook game "10 days of pictures that bring you joy" that I don't seem to have digitized yet. Often, I have Philadelphia Flower Show pictures to share through March, but I didn't go this year.

Last night's sunset was pretty nice. Ludington sunsets at the beach are famous. This one, seen from my deck, isn't shabby. Purple and orange. Are there any major league sports teams with purple and orange as their colors? A cursory search didn't find any, but that doesn't mean there aren't. I'm sure you'll tell me if you know of one.
purple and orange sunset

But I haven't shared a sunset for three months, so why not? Picture taken at 7:53 last night. Woo hoo! I do like the light in the evening.

You know the drill: I edited, I wrote. I did laundry and a little cleaning. Still no car.

See The Skies Have It


Ann said...

That's a pretty sunset. At least you got important things done.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "We are not familiar with sports team but if there were one with orange and purple as their colors our Dada would probably like them, since those are his two favorite colors!"

The Furry Gnome said...

Sunsets are always nice.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I'm really trying!

Lulu- Dada has interesting tastes. The guy I live with likes purple and green.

Stew- they are, and we have a lot of nice ones here.