I wasn't sure what I was going to share today, but then I made a quick run to the grocery store. When I came back in the driveway something was changing the color of the tops of the white pines.

See how orange they look? That's called alpenglow (just in case you don't know). And what causes it? What else...

Another busy day, but I think there will be something interesting happening tomorrow.
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Wow, you know what will happen tomorrow.
Hope that it will be really interesting.
Interesting. I learned something new today.
Love that sunset picture
Isn't that alpenglow neat? Reminds me of stage lighting with color filters. But the man-made variety doesn't compare.
The sunset's gorgeous. I often think your photos would look really nice framed.
I've seen that on the pine trees I have around here. I never thought of what it might be. Now I'll have something new to think about when I look at them.
rainfield- well, I guess we never know for sure, but I had a good idea of what was on the schedule, and it did come to pass
Ann- It was just violently orange!
Chuck- the most amazing was an evening the Boundary Waters when it just lasted and lasted for maybe 30 min. But I always like it
CD- Thanks- that's really nice of you to say
Ratty- now you'll see it all the time!
What a beautiful end to your day. Heaven's reward!
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