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Friday, May 5, 2023

Ready to Roll

Tomorrow is township cleanup day. It's also a hike with my Spirit of the Woods Chapter. These two events are compatible only if the timing is perfect. But the new trailer, Chaz, is loaded with the dead couch and carpeting. (Thank you, Sean, for the muscle!) I'll be in line at the township hall (nearby) at 7:30, hopefully being one of the very first in line. Then I'll bug home, unhitch (so easy- I can roll this trailer around by hand. Alone.) and head north for the hike.
trailer load of junk

This is an absolute drop in the bucket for the amount of stuff that needs to leave here, but at least it's one pile gone, for which I am thankful. The metal trash can be recycled, and now I'll have a way to work on that.

My forsythia bush, a gift long ago from friend Betty, is looking great!

The hike tomorrow will count for my current trail miles. Stay tuned.

See Sunny Has a Baby Brother


Ann said...

It's nice to have a place to take things like that. Hope the line is short when you get there.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I was first! They do this once a year. Free for township residents. If I were truly responsible, I would have stayed home and taken as many loads as I could between 8 and noon. Maybe another year. Always my story.