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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Swoopy Sky

 Today's big event has to be the storm that swooped in early afternoon.

asperitus clouds

I looked these up, and this kind of cloud formation has a name. It's called Asperitas clouds. It is defined as a low layer that looks like the upside-down surface of a roughened sea. Interestingly enough, these rarely carry rain.

There sure was a good suggestion of rain. I could see the radar. I could smell the rain falling somewhere (actually the smell of the newly wetted earth). Even better, I could see the rain falling behind these interesting clouds.

The "waves" were moving fast. The heavenly sea was roiling.
asperitas clouds

Quickly, this formation moved off to the east. You can see that ragged edge on the back side. Sure enough, not with these clouds, but behind them, within a few minutes the rain reached me.
asperitas clouds

It was almost like a spring rain, gentle and falling straight down. A half-inch total. Very nice.

I pretty much took the day off. I did write a newspaper column, but other than that I goofed off. Hopefully, tomorrow morning I'll be ready to jump back into working hard.

See Yesterday's Storm


Ann said...

Those are very cool looking clouds.
Everyone needs a day to goof off now and then. I take more than my fair share.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I was overdue, but didn't feel that I could until I finished the campsite list

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "It's okay to goof off sometimes. In fact, we cats make a career of it!"