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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Arrival in St. Ignace

 We are here! The annual North Country Trail Celebration for 2024 has begun in St. Ignace, Michigan. The whole weekend will be crazy good. Lots of hugs and back slapping from "my tribe," discussions, hikes, programs, and workshops.

The very first event was a roundtable with the National Park Service staff. Here is our superintendant Chris Loudenslager answering questions.
NPS staff

And the Trail Manager Ken Hendrickson, with other staff behind him, explaining more about what he does.
NPS staff

We got here just in time to check in and get to the NPS Roundtable. Then we went out to dinner. Diane and Marie split a wet burrito. This is memorable due to the fact that what you see here is HALF of the wet burrito!
wet burrito

Then we went to the state park and set up our campsite. St. Ignace is a nice small city. Their street plantings are exceptional.

And it's the one place on the trail where it follows Lake Huron. It was a beautiful day, and the whole weekend is supposed to be nice. Blue water, and a free view of one of the ferries on its way to Mackinac Island.
lake huron

OK, I'm still working on the program. Glad it's not until Friday!

See The Slave Driver


Ann said...

Sounds like a nice place. Enjoy your time there.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, a burrito! ¡Muy bien!"

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- it was totally awesome

Bean- they were happy. I had a salad. I don't suppose pups favor salad