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Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Surprise Arrives

 I suppose it's not a surprise if I knew he was coming. But I didn't know until Thursday. So... a semi-surprise.

This is David, Marie's son. I call him my extra kid. His in-laws live in Grand Rapids, so he often tries to run up here during family visits. He spent most of the day here, so the time was spent visiting.

I did manage to do a little editing before he arrived. It was a beautiful day outside, and would have been great hiking weather, but I'm not going to try to weigh that against this visit.

Other than that, the most exciting thing is that I got a stink bug down my shirt!

See Meet David

1 comment:

Ann said...

That was a nice surprise even if you did know he was coming. I went to do dishes yesterday and there was a stink bug perched on my dish drainer. I hate those things.