We are not getting that promised rain this week. It makes for great hiking weather, but it's getting too dry and not green. Ellen and I hiked about 7 miles- we are a little closer to her goal of 10 miles. It's hard to choose just a few pictures, but I'll try. We spent most of the time in the Nordhouse Wilderness.

I liked this bright spot of joy! I'm not sure of the ID, but I did look underneath to see if it had gills or pores.

The answer is: pores. I looked on-line a bit, and it might be Cinnabar-red polypore, Pycnoporus cinnabarinus. Any fungus experts, feel free to weigh in... oh, wiseacre, where are you?

We ate lunch at Nordhouse Lake. This is where I first identified the ring-necked ducks last year. There were two pairs of them again today, but the treasure was a pair of hooded mergansers. The ducks were keeping a real distance, so the only pictures are with full camera zoom (both optical and digital = not clear). But, the features on the male are clear enough for a good ID. This one is Lophodytes cucullatus.

Finally, this little cutie will be no mystery to anyone in North America. It's the Eastern Chipmunk. It's one of the cutest rodents in the world, but can be a real nuisance. Out here, not being fed treats by humans, it's acting as it should, and living up to its potential cuteness.
Tomorrow is hiking again! The trail chapter's monthly hike is scheduled. See you then!
![]() | See Bird Days for ring-neck ducks at Nordhouse Lake See Ducks of the Day for other mergansers See Cinnabar Polypore |
no rain, a good day of hiking, who could ask for anything more :) That sure is one cute chipmunk.
I like the fungus. Wish I knew more about them. Wild ducks can be shy. Cameras with a zoom sure do help in ID'ing birds in a distance. Nice sighting!
There a fungus among us!
Fun highlights of your hike!
Ann- I'm having a tremendous week, for sure! Chipmunks are adorable!
Jean- they were close to the shore when we approached the lake, but they took off, and stayed far away ever after.
Ferd- There are so many wonderful parts, it's hard to pick just a few.
It's so funny, our weather variances. We've had far too much rain out here and you haven't had enough. We're getting more in the morning!
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