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Monday, September 30, 2024

Seeds- Common Blue Violet's Promise

 I have let a lot of the "wild" common blue violet live in the rock garden, Viola sororia. They are so profuse it would be really hard to get rid of them anyway, and they make nice filler wherever I want it. I just pull the rest.

No blossoms now. This is a spring picture, of course. common blue violet

But what does it look like at the end of the season? When the seed pods split open and dump their seeds they look like mini wind turbines rising above the leaves.
common violet seed pods

Where are the seeds? They fall out of the pods really easily. I found one full of seeds, went to get the camera and by the time I got back a breeze or something had already emptied it. But I found another.
common violet seeds

This picture is blown up. Each seed is barely a milimeter across. Tiny. But they sure do the job. There are violets sprouting all over the place.

I was good and worked on a lot of the things I should be doing today. Didn't walk. I ended up spending a lot of time trying to figure out what was wrong with my phone. Ha! Turns out Verizon admitted to 100,000 complaints today. But the weird thing here is that Omer's phone worked and mine didn't. They are on the same plan and we were here in the same space. So, this did not make any sense to us. Anyway. It's working now.

See First Flowers of 2010

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