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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Actual Owner of the Front Flower Garden

 I was outside today and heard a lot of chirping going on out front. Yeah, look who is telling me what- for for filling his hole a couple of days ago.

This one focused on the plant, not the noisemaker, but you can see that his cheeks are filled with... probably flower bulbs, eh?

Clearly, I was being scolded for messing in the space. And also clearly, the snake did not have him for dinner.

In other news: I woke up late, got off to a slow start and didn't manage to do much. I redeemed some of the time with working on garden records, but didn't work on any of the priority items. Went shopping in the afternoon and took a walk. Here's hoping for better motivation tomorrow.

Miles hiked in 2024: 395.6

See Front Garden Report


Ann said...

He's rather cute

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "SQUIRREL!!!"
Charlee: "It's a chip—"
Lulu: "WHATEVER!!!"

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- he is... he just needs to restrict his snacks to approved items.

Lulu- you can have him if you can catch him.