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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Just a Few Scottville Pictures

  I walked down to Riverside Park today. The trail I used to walk there has fallen into complete disrepair, but there is still a small loop. They do have a new sign.

This huge glacial erratic rock used to be in town, but it was moved down here a number of years ago.
large rock

Someone's late garden has pure pink gladiolas, and one of the hostas with large white flowers.
pink gladiolus

Growing in the "wild" was this Trumpet Vine (or Cow-Itch vine!), Campsis radicans. It's very showy, and it's native.
trumpet vine

In other news, I worked on required things in the morning, and walked and gardened in the afternoon. This is really the schedule of a perfect day in my opinion. I'm trying to make it the general plan of my "normal" life.

Miles walked in 2024: 411.2

See Walking Tour du Ludington


Ann said...

Good for you getting the important stuff done before the fun stuff.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I'm trying

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Is it just me or does that glacial rock look like it wants to give everybody a big hug ... ?"

Sharkbytes said...

Lulu- I think it's more like a map of Michigan