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Sunday, September 1, 2024

What's Blooming Today

 The late-season sedums are looking very nice. I won't do comparison pictures because the post would get very long, but I think most of what I'm showing you are at the peak of bloom.

First is the 'Dazzleberry' sedum. This has spread decently, and the color is rich and vibrant.
dazzleberry sedum

This is the sedum from Betty, which I think might be S. seiboldi 'October Daphne.' Much brighter than 3 weeks ago when I showed you.
sedum seiboldi october daphne

This is the tall sedum from Margaret. It's not yet in full bloom, but it's going to have pale lavender flowers. I think this is the only flower I have with this color, especially at this time of year. It's probably some variety of Hylotelephium spectabile. (Formerly a sedum)
tall sedum with lavender flowers

Here is the CoralJade sedum. This feels like a magical find to me. I stumbled on one plant at one nursery. I'd never heard of it, but it does a lovely job of filling the space. I think some of the flowers are past prime, but I like how it always seems to have a variety of soft, dusty colors going at the same time. The foliage is that way too.
sedum coraljade

This is one that Betsy gave me last year. I'm pretty sure it's a hybrid called 'Thundercloud.' Just starting to bloom. I have it in two locations.
sedum thumdercloud

I couldn't just call this a sedum update because one thing to show you is the 'Ocean Sunset' Ice Plant. The other one is healthy, but it seems to be done blooming for the year. This one is still going strong.
ice plant ocean sunset

One more little treat. A happy bumble bee with its pollen baskets filled to the brim! I'm happy to make them happy too.
bumblebee with full pollen baskets

In other news: I worked on Long Distance Hiker records, some of my own record keeping- including plants, worked in the front garden some more (almost all cleaned up), and took a 3.7 mile walk around Scottville.

Miles hiked in 2024: 388.4

See Sedum Odds and Ends


Ann said...

They all look wonderful. Your rock garden is doing so well.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I'm fairly astonished! It is.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Wow, that bee sure is loaded all right. Its pantaloons are even poofier than Lulu's, and that's saying something."
Lulu: "Thanks. I think."

Sharkbytes said...

Charlee- yes, but does Lulu have yellow pantaloons?