On my walk the other day I saw the first sandhill cranes of the year. I'd seen footprints in the snow, but not the birds yet. And you might remember the place where the cranes nest. The lady who owns that property was outside, and I asked her if they still nested there. She said they do!
I've gotten much better pictures of the cranes other times, but this one is current, and so will be featured.

And now, in other news. My 300 days is half up (of course, I'm fudging and giving myself a year). Not nearly halfway on most goals, but I think I'm still doing more than I might have without any goals.
54 in 300, report on day 159 | ||||
Number | Category | Item | March | Total |
1 | WRITING | begin working on North Country Quest again | nothing this month | still about 5 chapters done |
2 | WRITING | edit Kiss of the Butterfly, submit for publication | nothing | nothing |
3 | WRITING | 100 NC History pages | nothing | just the planning in Nov |
4 | WRITING | blog about 8 wild foods | none | none |
5 | WRITING | finish Dead Mule Swamp Druggist | chapters 27-28 | 10 chapters added |
6 | WRITING | do 10 book promotion things | 1 the big afghan giveaway is in progress (have you entered?) | 6 |
7 | WRITING | writing schedule day 50 times | 0 (this doesn't mean I didn't write, but this refers to a particular disciplined schedule, and I didn't do any) | 9 |
8 | WRITING | 5 entries in Off the Sanctuary Wall | none | none |
9 | WRITING | pursue a contract I can't name yet | follow up contact | no results |
10 | WRITING | talk to 5 bookstores about carrying mysteries | none | none |
11 | HOUSE | fix kitchen drawer | DONE | DONE |
12 | HOUSE | cut down 5 autumn olive trees | none | none |
13 | HOUSE | clean refrigerator twice | not so soon yet | 1 |
14 | HOUSE | replace kitchen faucet | nothing | nothing |
15 | HOUSE | get lawnmower fixed | nothing | nothing |
16 | HOUSE | clean terrace | nothing | nothing |
17 | HOUSE | kitchen light electric box | nothing | nothing |
18 | HOUSE | replace faucet by washing machine | nothing | nothing |
19 | HOUSE | put away model railroad stuff | none | none |
20 | HOUSE | spend 10 hours sorting books | none | 2 total |
21 | FITNESS | increase to 30 pushups | 24 | increase of 1 since February |
22 | FITNESS | increase to 100 jumping jacks | 75 | increase of 5 since February |
23 | FITNESS | increase to 2 min planking | 70 sec | no increase |
24 | FITNESS | walk, bike, ski or snowshoe 200 times | 20 | 69, better |
25 | HIKING | NCT Hike 100 Challenge for 2016 | 3.5 | total of 12.5 miles on three SPW hikes |
26 | HIKING | visit 5 new MI counties to explore trails | none | none |
27 | HIKING | hike 100 more miles of the Buckeye Trail | maps ordered | this spring |
28 | HIKING | clear my trail better | 0 | total of 13 days, wrong season now |
29 | PERSONAL | Savings Goal | added some | 77% to goal |
30 | PERSONAL | Financial Goal #2 | nothing | nothing |
31 | PERSONAL | lose 10 pounds | 0 | I'm back to where I was when I started, even the longer walks don't seem to bring results |
32 | PERSONAL | play music 50 times | 4 | 18 |
33 | PERSONAL | other #1 (200 times) | 3 | 37, not good |
34 | PERSONAL | other #2 | 0 | 1, not on track |
35 | MISC | make 21 quarts juice | 0 | 7 total |
36 | MISC | try 10 new wild foods | none | none |
37 | MISC | some genealogy stuff | reviewed site I started on a while ago | just the review |
38 | MISC | 100 more pix on Shark Shots | 8 | 8 total |
39 | MISC | 2 photo cards documented | nothing | nothing, but backed up some more stuff |
40 | MISC | give 10 gifts from my kitchen | 1 | 4 |
41 | MISC | eat at Brenda's Burgers | with Ester | DONE |
42 | MISC | eat at Country Critters | nothing | but I'd better, because it's for sale |
43 | MISC | take my trailer on 2 trips | none | none |
44 | MISC | finish monkey booties | 1 | DONE |
45 | MISC | get two programs NCT and Kitchen Sink | none | but I have a short program next week |
46 | MISC | get rid of 100 things | 1 | 9 |
47 | MISC | read or listen to 100 books | 17 | 42 Best one was He Who Hesitates by Ed McBain. This was billed as a simple mystery, but it is almost literary and would make a great play. |
48 | MISC | move NCC from Josh's garage | nothing | nothing |
49 | MISC | short bios of 5 relatives | none | none |
50 | MISC | sort my fabric | nothing | nothing |
51 | MISC | do something inside my trailer | nothing | nothing |
52 | MISC | add 50 things to family heritage list | none | none |
53 | MISC | some VCR tapes to DVD | none | none |
54 | MISC | some cassette tapes to CD | none | none |
![]() | See february Report |
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