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Sunday, December 10, 2023

One More Pantry Section Done

I can't believe I've spent two weeks cleaning these six shelves, but it has, indeed, taken that long (working on it anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour a day. More than that today because I wanted to finish). I did get into some awful messes of mouse activity in a couple of boxes. One of those had to be really seriously cleaned up.

I've already taken one large box of stuff out of the house to be donated, and I have two more ready to go. There are now some more open places on these shelves. However, there was so much loose stuff in the room, I'm sure the spaces will be filled before I'm done.
pantry shelves

Here's the last section to do that I'll take on next. In a picture, it doesn't look as bad as it is. However, I do think this part is going to be easier. I don't think there are as many things there that might have interested mice. Stuff will need to be washed, but I don't expect the horrible piles of poop and ick.
pantry shelves

In other news: I edited, and I started re-reading two of my own books. I want to enter the best one in a contest, and I need to evaluate them side-by-side to choose the best-written one. I'm about 2/3 of the way through Dead Mule Swamp Mistletoe, and I will admit that I think I did a pretty good job with that one!

See Two Spaces Done


Ann said...

Lookin good

Lin said...

Awesome progress on a not-so-fun job. It feels so good when it is done though, doesn't it?

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- thanks!

Lin- I think it might... still have that one section to go.