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Monday, June 24, 2024

Siskiyou Primrose - The Good, the Amazing, and the Bad

 Remember the pink primrose that I thought was a weed? It continues to be really beautiful. It's almost always covered with those big pink flowers. This is today. Even after all the hard rain we've had in the last 48 hours it still has several blossoms. Also, it's a non-succulent that likes dry sandy soil which is a big plus. (Not that it's seen anything dry in the past week!) This is the good part.
siskiyou primrose

The amazing part is that it spreads faster than some weeds. It's trying to invade several neighboring spaces, and I had already moved some tiny sprigs to another location on June 12, so 12 days ago.
siskiyou primrose

These are already going to bloom!
siskiyou primrose

Now for the bad part. Japanese beetles love the flowers. I don't have a picture, because every time I've found them, I have just killed them without going for the camera. If they become a problem, I may have to take action, although given the aggressivenes of the plant, maybe the beetles aren't bad. However, I like to see whole flowers instead of chewed ones.

In other news. About 2 pm, I realized I was going to have to make a major formatting change in the book. Yikes! It's late in the game to do that. I morphed into book panic mode and I've been glued to my chair since then. I'm now back to where I was at 2 pm. Pretty much a whole extra day of work. It's looking like I won't have this wrapped up before I leave for NY. This is not the end of the world, but I was hoping to not have to work very much while traveling. So much for that.

No gardening. Maybe it was a little wet for that anyway. We had another 0.3 inches of rain last night. That's 8.0 inches this month at my house.

See What a Surprise!


Ann said...

Flowers that have become a beetle buffet aren't very nice to look at. Those in the first picture are pretty.

Sharkbytes said...

Yeah, I try to pick the bad ones off every morning.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Our Dada says he remembers well the fun of book formatting!"

Sharkbytes said...

Lulu- ask Dada if he is going to write another book (and format it too)