Back in December, I wrote about a mystery. I found a basswood seed way over by the cemetery, far upwind of my basswood tree. I thought perhaps there was a basswood in the cemetery that I had somehow overlooked. Well, I'm either happy or embarrassed to say that I have found the cemetery basswood. It wasn't exactly hidden!
It's right at the edge of the gully, in perfectly plain sight. Here are the lovely leaves. Basswood is easy to tell (says the lady who hasn't noticed this tree for decades) from the heart-shaped leaves that are slightly asymmetrical.
My maternal grandfather knew the names for all the trees (at least it seemed that way). I can only identify a few species.
Isn't it funny how you can walk by something a hundred times and not notice it? Well at least your mystery is finally solved.
But one of my favorite things is to discover something new right under my nose. It can make such a close place never seem old.
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