We were actually done hiking, and driving toward St. Ignace in the car. A sandhill crane with two babies in tow ran across the road. Some babies! They were the size of turkeys, but mama was much larger yet. I had to stop and try for some pictures.
This is one of the babies. They hunkered down in the grass, and only popped their heads up occasionally.

I thought that I had missed any chance to get any good pictures. Mama seemed to be quickly moving away from the road, and from me.

Then, then... she turned and walked back toward me, perhaps feeling threatened. I backed off a bit, but I was armed with a zoom lens!

Wow, what a great sighting. Glad she turned around so you could get the shot. Very cool.
Its great that you are equipped with zoom lens sharkie :) Beautiful crane
You must have been so excited when she turned and you were able to get such magnificent shots. What a beautiful bird!
Thanks for the up close view. I see them fly overhead fairly regularly during the summer.
The power of the zoom lense is a great thing. Sandhill crane babies must be something really fun to be there to see. I'm glad you were able to share them.
Sand hill cranes are one of my favorite birds. I love to watch them and listen to them and enjoy their interaction. When I lived in Sacramento I worked at a large nature preserve where they overwintered and they are one of natures marvels to me.
Thanks for sharring importent information in this blog.
It was very nice.
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