For one of our lunches, we had a floor show as well as food. Can you find the entertainer? Yup it was a chipmunk.

He had no sense at all that humans were scary and came right over and nosed around our packs. We were naughty to feed him (it teaches wildlife that humans mean food and turns them into camp pests). But we were on a piece of little used trail and figured that the likelihood that another camper would eat at that same spot in this chipmunk's lifetime was pretty low!

So, we gave him a couple of pieces of our broccoli salad. He actually seemed to like the dressing on it the best, but when another chippy showed up and tried to steal it, he let that one know "what for." It was great entertainment!
Oh how cute. I say even a little chipmunk is entitled to a rare and occasional treat :)
Cute little one.
It will then follow you all the way.
You've made a friend for life...even if you are only temporary.
What a cutie - no wonder you were tempted :)
They are so cute. The kids had one as a pet when we lived in the UK. I like to see them in the wild though.
It's fun watching these little guys. I'm seeing more of them here this year than ever before. And I'm learning that they have wonderful little personalities.
wow, interesting to know that they like the dressing the best, am sure they would love our salads too only if they can make some dressings too :)
He's got good taste, he likes the dressing the best. So cute and great photos.
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