... were the sixth day. And on the seventh day, God rested. But not me.

ok, so these pictures were taken 24 hours ago, but this idea is too good to not use. Thursday night we had a thunderstorm and one little ray of sun was lighting up this cloud

The next morning, we were having thunderstorms. Is there a message here?
Anyway, I've finished six days of the paper route, but the Detroit papers don't think it's pertinent to their schedule that God rested. Thus, neither do the lowly carriers.
Today was not one of the better days. I never did feel very good, until about 6 pm. Then about a half hour ago, the headache came back with a vengeance. I think I'm just going to go to bed.
Looks like every cloud has a silver lining to me :)
Hope you're feeling better in the morning
sorry about the headache....hope you wake up without it and have a better day. Know you will be glad to be done with the route...
sorry about your headache Sharkbytes, hope you feel better.
Shark, I relate and understand since I have an "outside" job.:)
Cool pictures!
Hope you get to feeling better. Your sky shots are beautiful. Very majestic.
Have a very good sleep.
I'll write the paper for you.
Lovely pictures. I hope you feel better. I delivered papers as a child and I hated Sundays. The papers were so much heavier. I lived in a very small town and had to walk the whole route.
I think the atmospheric pressure changes caused by the storms are giving you a headache. Hope you feel better soon.
Beautiful sky shots, Joan. Sorry you've been feeling poorly. Don't blame you for going to bed!!
nice pictures!
I use Advil to get rid of my headaches and it works every time.
Love the pix. As one wag observed, "Remember that behind every silver lining is a big black cloud."
Hope that headache has left and that you are feeling much better.
I don't think many folks "rest" anymore. I know I don't. With working, there isn't the luxury of resting--something always needs to be done.
Hope the headache goes away for GOOD.
thanks everyone- any headaches in the immediate future can't be blamed on the paper route!
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