It was 10 days ago that I was trying to harvest mulberries- way to early, as it turns out, even though a few were purple then. So even though it was beastly hot, I went out today and shook enough branches to get a gallon plus of berries. They needed to be checked over for bugs and sticks and ones already gone to seed. That took a good hour.
Next they got simmered in water for an hour.

After that, I set up my jelly bag and strained the juice.

The juice is now in the refrigerator. What will I do with it? Not jelly. We don't seem to eat hardly any jelly. Come back tomorrow and see what happens.
See I Cleaned and Baked, Just For You See Smart Balance Eliminates a Great Product |
I don't think I've ever had mulberries any way but straight off the tree. You have my extreme interest.
very interesting, a gallon plus of berries, that is wonderful. hmmm, wonder what you will make of the juice. berry pie?
I have two guesses. Last year you made a syrup that sounded fantastic. Recently you were making rhubarb wine. So I will guess either wine or syrup.
I think Emma might be on the right track . . . I wondered about how good your berries were when you first posted about them this year. At that time, mine were not very tasty at all. Fortunately they are very good now. Love the flavor of mulberries.
So how much juice do you get out of a gallon of berries? I won't even try to guess I'll just wait till tomorrow
I don't think I've ever tried a mulberry.
ratty- this is really all i've ever done with mulberries, but i'm thinking i might try something else if i can get my act together
betchai- i haven't tried these in a pie. it would be a real pain to remove all the little green stems. i wonder if you would need to do that
emma- it wasn't me that made wine, but i saw it on someone's blog too
chuck- some years they aren't as tasty as others
ann- i got 8 cups of juice and then i added 6 cups of sugar. it reduced to 6 cups of syrup
rainfield- i knew you would! Do you have a syrup tooth?
Well, since I already read the 2nd post first, I know the outcome. I wish I were coming over for waffles!
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