I promised you one surprise, but of course, that meant that I knew what it would be. Turned out I had a surprise too. The Consumers Energy truck appeared in my driveway before 8 am. Someone had hit the power pole, and they were going to have to replace it. We wouldn't have electricity at least for the rest of the morning.

So, I had to figure out what I could do instead of my usual morning computer work. I was glad that they had it all done by 12:30.
But the fun surprise is someone showed up today who is going to stay for a week. It's... Loretta! She decided to come on the spur of the moment, so we have no big special plans, but hopefully we can fit in a couple of interesting things. There's a trail club thing on Saturday, and who knows what else we may figure out.

Wishing you and Loretta a great visit!
Don't be surprise if I write you a mail saying I am coming!!!!
The second surprise I'm sure is a very pleasant one. Unlike the first one; and yet, it's sub-surprise was that it didn't take them until tomorrow to finish. And that, too, is pleasant!
Loretta has a very happy face.
Jean- thank you!
rainfield- come ahead- we can hike, find bugs and speak to the trees
vanilla- you are SO right!
John- yup- she's really nice
Hope you and Loretta have a wonderful visit.
Well, I know how nice it is to have company. I can't believe how fast my visit with Meaux is going. We're almost at the end of her two week stay with me ( she leaves on Wed ) and we haven't done nearly half the things we've planned ( except we have gotten in a lot of the eating! ). It's been so wonderful, though.
Ann- we are working on it- really hard!
carmen- yup- activities can be lots of fun when shared. glad you are having a great time too.
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