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Friday, October 11, 2024

A Couple of Almost Surprises

 You know I've pretty much put the rock garden to bed. I hope to stick a few bulbs in yet. And the front flower garden got a final weeding even before the rock garden.

However, I did get the "Driveway Bed" weeded thoroughly back in June and then didn't do much else with it. But I'd like to get it weeded and some things transplanted before the snow hits. Today I got it about a third cleaned up again.

But I thought I'd show you a couple of fun finds. The first picture is actually from August. That tall sedum bloomed. One little flower. First time ever, I think. I'm pretty sure it's Hylotelephium (used to be Sedum) spectabile. I dug it up in New York years ago. Now I don't feel so bad because it's not native anyway. It had probably escaped from someone else's garden.

It got severely chewed again. One web site says the rabbits don't like it, but the deer do. So maybe that garden will have to be fenced next year too. Sheesh.
hylotelephium spectabile

The other sort of surprise is that Cathy gave me a coneflower of some sort. I don't really care for pink ones. This is one of the yellow ones. Not sure which yet. But the seed heads should help me figure it out. They are pretty cool looking.
coneflower seedhead

And even closer.

I took a short walk through the cemetery. Worked in the garden. Edited, worked on my projects. The days just fly by.

Miles walked in 2024: 481.2

See Cleaning the Driveway Flower Bed

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