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Monday, July 31, 2023

One Small Success

All (almost all) my current efforts are focused on having a semi-clean and useable space for later this week when both Loretta (SIL) and Bernie (thru hiker Sea Otter) will be here.

I worked on several pieces of that goal, and one of them is complete. Well, ok, two. But it's probably not worth counting that I got the bedding clean and the 2nd bed made up. Nevertheless, it did take time.

As part of the aftermath of the January basement flood one of the bookcases had a problem. They are only pressboard, and one of the "feet" did get wet enough to begin to disintegrate. All it needed was a piece of wood sistered up to the inside. You can't even see that this has been done, but without it, the case wasn't really solid. So I got that taken care of today so the bookcase is no longer on its side in the middle of the floor.
empty bookcase

Since we got rid of a lot more stuff after the flood, this case is now going to become the home for, hopefully, the rest of our history books. One of the other similar cases is full of them, but there are more in the other building. It will be nice to have them all in one general location.

The toilet project is on hold until tomorrow, but I'll need to tackle it for sure in the morning.

I also worked on another part of the downstairs cleanup, did accounts from the weekend and errands, and spent way too much time with tech support for a software issue.

See, all you people who think I'm amazing... my life is full of all these same kinds of annoying projects as yours.

See What Happened with the Basement


Ann said...

No escaping projects like that but good for you for getting them done

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Our Dada saw something once that said 'When you have a house you never need to worry about where your next dollar is going' and apparently that applies to time as well as money!"

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- Having Loretta and Bernie come got me into action

Lulu- that is 100 percent truth

Sarah said...

The granola looks so yummy! Not the back of the toilet!

I Still want your powder Gatorade electro light recipe that you hike with some day!

Keep Signing autographs! You are a heroine! Sarah