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Monday, July 22, 2024


 We certainly weren't chillin' as regards to the temperature. It was a hot day! However, we definitely made today a rest day. Did some laundry and puttered a bit but mostly relaxed. It was a darn good thing we didn't need to go out in the middle of the day because Marie's street was being paved! This is accomplished so much easier and better than when I was a kid. And I know that crew was a lot hotter than we were.
paving machine

I'll show you more pictures from Sonnenberg Gardens today. Here is another view in the Rock Garden. I sure did like that space.
rock garden steps

This is just a nicely-blooming garden. It was actually part of the greenhouse complex- overflow plants.
mixed flower bed

Here is another long view of the Old Fashioned Garden. You can see hints of some of the blooms between the hedges. The architecture is such an important part of the gardens, it often makes the scene extra delighful.
old fashioned garden Sonnenberg

This is a plant combination that I thought was particularly successful. Red amaranth, Amaranthus erythrostachys, and a pink coneflower.
red amaranth and coneflower

They had combined these in several locations, and I also really like this. It's Persian Shield Strobilanthes dyeriana, and one of the begonias, maybe 'Gryphon.' You know I love begonias. When I get to be garden queen with an unlimited budget, I'll have a Begonia garden.
begonia and persian shield

And for the orchid lovers, this is an Oncidium orchid, possibly 'Sweet Baby,' but there are a lot that are very similar.
oncidium orchid

We played a couple of games, and may be ready to do something more energetic tomorrow.

See Heart of the Lakes Trail paving
See Sonnenberg


Ann said...

Paving roads is a job I would hate to have to do in the heat.
Those gardens are fabulous.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, I hope there were some dogs around to encourage those so-called street pavers to keep on moving!"

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- no kidding about the paving

Java- I did not hear any, interestingly enough.