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Friday, July 5, 2024

Sapsucker Woods and Beyond

 Our first goal of the morning was Sapsucker Woods which is part of the Cornell University Ornithology Lab. They have a large building with some displays and research rooms and a gift shop.
cornell sapsucker woods

But they also have quite a nice trail system. Elaine and I only walked the short loop around the pond, but that was very nice.
sapsucker woods pond

It was mostly natural, but there were a couple of sculptures. This is "Invitation fo the Dance," a whooping crane.
invitation to the dance sculpture

Elaine does birds, and I do plants. I took way more plant pix than you want to see, but this is one of the showy ones, Pickerel Weed, Pontederia cordata.
pickerel weed

Under the heading of plants I love, but that you may not care about, here is another sedge that is quite showy. I'm pretty sure it's Carex lupulina, sometimes called hop sedge
hop sedge

This is plant related, but you get a critter too. I did not know that the seeds of the bear corn, Conopholis americana are edible. This chipmunk certainly thinks so!
chipmnk eating Conopholis americana

After that, we went to a restaurant that Elaine wanted to try. It was right on Cayuga Lake, my lake. So that was enjoyable. Very humid and hazy, so not a blue water day.
cayuga lake

And of course, we had to stop to see Taughannock Falls on the way back to Elaine's. Not much water going over that either.
taughannock falls

We also stopped for a visit with her brother. All in all, we managed to completely fill the day.

Miles hiked so far in 2024: 267.1

Sapsucker Woods trail, 0.8 miles

See Retutn to Lick Brook Falls


Ann said...

Sounds like a nice day. You got a lot of things in.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "SQUIRREL!!!"
Charlee: "No, it's a chipmunk."
Java Bean: "CLOSE ENOUGH!!!"

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- Elaine always super plans, and then we do most of it!

Java- it is close enough. But doggies are not allowed on that trail. Sorry.