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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Niece Susanne, at Long Last

 Just a little farther east, and I am finally re-meeting my other half-niece Susanne. You may remember I saw her sister Jojo in January. The link below has the photo from the last time we saw each other and an explanation. It was either 1962 or 1963. We are 9 years apart in age, so at the time, she was almost a non-entity to me, I'm sorry to say. But we have hit it off as well as Jojo and I did. It almost makes me believe in that "blood is thicker..." thing.
friends and a dog

Her dog is Toula. You know I'm a dog magnet.
woman with a dog

We went and had dinner with her son and his father. Her daughter and grandchildren were going to come but the little girl got sick, so that didn't work. I may get to meet them tomorrow. Susanne made a delicious spaghetti sauce with meatballs and turkey sausage, and a mixed berry cobbler that was really spectacular.

It's so good to learn more about this portion of my extended family. Even though they are half-relatives, I think they are the closest blood relatives I have. We do have enough shared history, knowing different pieces of the family story, that it's like connecting dots.

Meanwhile, this morning, Marie and I put the final trim board on her deck. If you squint, I think you can just see it against the far wall at the base. It really made that side look finished.

We sure aren't looking younger, but our friendship stays strong. We feel like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that just fit together.

Tomorrow, even more family coming up!

See Neice Jojo


Vera West said...

What a lovely post! :)

Ann said...

What a nice reunion. Marie's deck looks great.

Sharkbytes said...

Vera- thank you!

Ann- these last couple of days are very meaningful to me.