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Friday, July 26, 2024

Staining Progress

 We did two things today. We worked on the deck and we slept. This is what four hours work looks like for me.
deck steps

Neither of us slept well last night, so after a round of work in the morning where I worked on the steps and Marie gave the rest of the railing a second coat, we took naps. You are not getting away with only one view of that much work.
deck steps

We decided the vertical surfaces under the steps should be done, so that was my job to go underneath and play contortionist.

If I am ever involved in a deck construction project in my future, I plan for the first coat of stain to be put on before the deck is assembled. It's impossible to get this into all the spaces. Also, I've decided that, personally, I don't like the solid deck stains. They really look like paint. Supposedly this is soaking in rather than sitting on the surface of the wood, but I'm not convinced. However, it's Marie's deck and she is liking it.

A total of 8 hours work between the two of us. We're getting there, but we are beat. We did walk around the block to get some kinks out and fixed dinner (and of course had to clean up), but that's the entire day.

See Starting the Deck


Ann said...

It's looking good. I agree about the solid stains.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- thanks. We made serious progress today.