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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Conservation Trail - Grand Island

 All of our hike today was on Grand Island. It was pretty, but not a lot of variety. The Niagara River was on our left.
niagara river

On the other side of the trail across the road there were houses.

We got glimpses of the Niagara Falls skyline
Niagara Falls skyline

We were being watched by a turkey vulture, but I guess we weren't ripe enough yet.

The humidity was 87%! A bit higher than I like. It felt like it was going to rain any minute, but the sky suggested clearing.

This Rose of Sharon had gone wild. Still pretty.
rose of sharon

Tonight is our last night here, and tomorrow we finish the Conservation Trail. Onward to Niagara Falls!

Miles hiked so far in 2024: 328.7. Finger Lakes Trail miles hiked in 2024: 60.5

Conservation Trail, Western NY., Main St, Oakfield Ave to Eagle Overlook. 7.6 miles

See Niagara River


Ann said...

Glad you weren't ripe enough for the turkey vulture....lol

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- thanks!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Mama and Dada used to take their mountain bikes to Grand Island to ride around! They must have been much younger then ..."