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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Gardens of the Future

 The theme of this year's Philadelphia Flower Show is Gardens of the Future. The entry exhibit is called Signature of Time. The "future" idea is supposed to be that when someone creates a garden they impart it with their own signature, but as it grows into the future it acquires the signature of time. I have no idea how these elements of the display showcase that. But, hey, the entry exhibit is supposed to be the "Wow" of the show. It did that pretty well.
Philadelphia Flower Show 2025 Signature of Time

This huge hanging part of the display is all flowers. Almost everything has to be flowers or flower parts except for structural elements.
Philadelphia Flower Show 2025 Signature of Time

There were colors other than red in the display, and some lighting effects, but I'm focusing today on the red which was the most prominant.
Philadelphia Flower Show 2025 Signature of Time

There were two large and novel fountains with water running down from the frames over containers of flowers. This one is more magenta with orchids.
Philadelphia Flower Show 2025 Signature of Time

And this one has red roses. It's hard to see the running water in the pictures because it's subtle like a soft rain, but you can see the splashes in the pond.
Philadelphia Flower Show 2025 Signature of Time

This is just another part of the entry display (it is always huge) that emphasises red.
Philadelphia Flower Show 2025 Signature of Time

Sometimes I think that the more interesting the theme is, the more trouble the exhibitors have in being creative with it. But you'll see more of what I mean in days to come.

My stamina lasted for five hours. I didn't see nearly as much of the show as I usually do because I definitely wasn't moving as fast. Others were also ready to leave after that time, so I didn't cause anyone else any distress, and a nap revived me. I'm really happy that I managed 5 hours. That's certainly the longest continual activity I've done since being sick.

We came back and had pizza and played some games. I like this one, Forbidden Island, which only gets played when I'm here, apparently. It's a collaborative game, not competitive. You have to work together to place the statues in the correct places and then get off the island before it sinks. Tonight we lost, but that's OK. Fun was had.
Forbidden Island

Now it's time for another nap!

See The Garden Electric

1 comment:

Ann said...

That entrance is pretty impressive. Love that fountain. I can see how this theme would be difficult to interpret but I bet there were lots of interesting displays.
Sounds like a fun game you played.