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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Philadelphia Flower Show 2025 - Miniature Settings

 There are usually two sets of miniature settings. This year they both had movie themes- one focused on films for children. Just a reminder that it's hard to get decent pictures because these are behind plexiglass and there are always too many reflections.

These were to "create a setting inspired by a children's classic movie."

Honorable Mention was awarded to Tangled. The intent was to show when Rapunzel breaks free with the help of Flynn and admires the sky lanterns.

The judges said it was colorful, but the structural elements were not up to high standards. I would agree with that. Most of what you can't see was more of the gray panels.
Philadelphia Flower Show 2025 miniature setting

The other Honorable Mention went to The Karate Kid. The intent was to showcase the serenity and the balance between nature and discipline.

The judges thought there were so many design components that it detracted from the serenity. This is only a portion of the display, and I agree that it was stuffed with structures.

Swiss Family Robinson took third. The intent merely restated the story from the book- a family marooned in 1797 builds a home in a tree from salvaged materials.

The judges liked the tree and the plants, but noted there were issues with the scale. It was OK. I liked it better than the ones that took second place, but both had modeling issues.

Two entries were awarded a red ribbon. One is Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The intent says: "Step right into your whimsical world of sweet imagination."

The judges liked the plant material, but said the modeling wasn't up to snuff. I agree with that. Even using botanical contest standards, I think I could have switched this one with Swiss Family Robinson, or maybe that's just because I like that story and not this one!

The other second place was My Neighbor Totoro. The intent was "Totoro, the keeper of the forest, watches over the bus stop."

The judges said there was good attention to detail, but the lack of light obscures the effect. I didn't like this one much.

I totally agree with the Blue Ribbon winner, Alice in Wonderland. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get pictures that showed the depth of the model. There are more elements than the table, but reflections obscure them in all my pictures. The intent was "nothing is quite what it seems to be... and for Alice, growing up is just a state of mind."

The judges said it was a wonderful journey down the rabbit hole. It was lush with great plants, and as noted, there were more features in the corners.

I did a decent amount of work today. Then bell practice, shopping, a little walk. The trails are now icy, so I didn't get much mileage since I couldn't walk very fast.

Miles hiked in 2025: 47.9

Ludington School Forest. Various trails. 1.5 miles

See PFS 2020- Miniatures

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