Today's quality event is that we have this!

For some reason, the same pieces that failed two years ago conked out again. But they did less damage this time, so we only had to replace a small part. (Last time, the pump continued to run while spraying water all over for who knows how long until there was three feet of water in the well pit and the motor burned out.)
Not because it's so picturesque, but only because it's the only picture I took, here is the pump with the exposed shaft, waiting for the replacement gasket to be put on. Thankfully, the pump supply place had the part in stock, so we didn't have to wait more days to order it.

I took this picture to show the guy who was trying to explain to me how to put it back together properly. I couldn't make sense out of his directions, so I took this picture to show him where I was losing him, and that did the trick. There are four set screws, and I thought he was referring to the two that go into these holes in his explanation, but he was talking about the upper two (not shown).
Nevertheless, the picture shows that the motor is off the pump, and the shaft isn't connected to the motor.
Now, it's all back together, and except for dirt in the pipes which still needs to flush more completely, we are good!
Having clean running water in a house is a blessing. I think we (as humans in general) don't appreciate having things unless we understand what it's like to live without them. I grew up carrying drinking water in a bucket which we pumped by hand in the barn (we had a cistern for non-potable water in the house). Then for a year before we had the drinking water piped to the house (when I was 14) we filled jugs in town, because something serious broke on the hand pump, and Dad couldn't fix it (maybe the shaft?).
Of course, with all my camping, getting clean water every day is one of the major chores that must be accomplished. There is no taking that for granted. Water sources must be identified, amounts calculated that should be carried, and the water treated.
We've lived on this property for 41 years now, and this is a very good (and deep) well, with great-tasting water. However, anyone with a well has to occasionally deal with pump problems. We seem to have had more than usual the last few years.
It's not too difficult for me to get by for a few days with limited water. Even so, I am thankful to have it coming out of a pipe with just a turn of a screw attached to a lever (the faucet).
And a big shout out to our friend Patrick for his help!
If you are just dying of curiosity to see what it looks like all put together follow the link for the picture from two years ago.
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The first time I realised what privileged lives we live was in the early 1970s. A TV programme stunned me, it was about a wonderful lady called Hannah Hauxwell - they did a small series about her -she was a 46 year old spinster that looked after Low Birk Hatt Farm after her family had died. Water was from the beck a good way from the farm and on the programme it shows her going down and breaking the ice before she can draw water with her bucket, then carrying it back. She is still alive and enjoying her now easier life in a small cottage. Point is I am thankful for my modern comforts :)
I remember when we had to boil our water before we could drink it. It's nicer these days. :)
the house I grew up in had a very shallow well. We ran out of water frequently and always had to be very careful about our usage.
So many things we take for granted and when we have to temporarily go without it's very annoying
Carole- Americans are really very ignorant of basic survival skills. It's scary actually.
Chuck- that is a really boring task
Ann- I have many friends with that same problem even now. Our well is 165 feet deep. It's never run out of water even in the worst years.
We take so much for granted, don't we?? I think all of that is apparent if you go camping for a few days. You soon realize how much work life is without all of these amenities!
I'm glad you got it fixed!
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