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Monday, October 2, 2023

Step Two Homeward

Now I have a friend in my hometown who also likes to hike! Diane and I were a few too many years apart as children to really know each other. Now it turns out that we like a lot of the same things.

We had time for a short hike before I had to hit the road, and she took me to see a piece of rail trail so new it's only been open for about 10 days. This was a section of the Lehigh Valley system. Only 2.3 miles are open yet, but it may get extended.
Odessa rail trail

This line stayed high on the hills for frieght. The passenger line had to stay low to go through Ithaca at the south end of the lake, 500 feet lower down. That means there are some great views. This is the valley south of Watkins Glen, and we think the water there is the south end of Seneca Lake.

I liked this one a lot with hills and a farm.
farm in a valley

Then I hit the road and went across western NY. I've shared a lot of views of this drive in several seasons, over the years. All I could get is some drive=by snaps out the windos, but this one is OK. Just the hills I love. Sure, it's not the Adirondacks here, but it's still great. The afternoon light made the trees glow, and the colors are fantastic this year.
new york hills

And I arrived at blogger-friend Ann's house to spend the night.

Odessa, NY. Bruno Schickel Rail Trail. 2.3 miles

See Time to Leave


Ann said...

I like the photo with the farm. Hope I didn't wake you this morning. Safe travels today.

Lin said...

Aw...that's so nice that you are visiting with Ann! Blog pals are the best!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Our Dada always enjoys these pictures of your old mutual stomping grounds! Have fun visiting your friend!"

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I didn't hear a thing! Thanks again, bunches.

Lin- we need another get together

Lulu- Ask Dada if he remembers Ann. She used to have Duke back in the Dennis era.